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Ways to Organize Your Blog and Business

When I started a blog over some years back ago, I had no plan and no system for organization. Since it was just hobby with no income for the first years, it wasn't a big deal. But as soon as I started getting serious about my business and earning money, It became necessary to find system to help me organize my first blog and business.

After more than three years of blogging, I've gone through a lot of trial and error and have been able to find what works and what dosen't work for me, at least at this stage of my business. In this post, I am sharing three of the essential tool I use for blog organization.


After trying man other tool to organize the framework of my business, I've Finally landed on Asana. It's by Far my Favorite i Used ( Previous tool have included Trello, A bullet Journal, and regular paper planner).

The Different interface in Asana make it easy to use for many different part of my business. First of all, I use Asana as an editorial calendar. I have the ability to see upcoming post either as a list or in a calendar form. And within each post, I can create task that I'll need to accomplish for each and every post . I also keep a running list of blog post ideas and when I'm ready to add on to calendar, I can just move it over and over again to see whether is correct or not in the project calendar.

I also use the board feature in Asana to create my to- do list for each different part of my business (blog. etc.), and each category gets it's own column on the board.

thanks to the calendar feature in Asana, I keep a marketing calendar of all of the products I'll be marketing throughout the year (both Affiliate Campaigns) and sponsorship opportunities I'm Taking about

Finally i used Asana Create a Launch calendar for my self and for my eBooks. I used it last time around and found it made everything super easy to keep track of, So I'm definitely using it again for the next launch! hahaha

you can also read on: how to grow your blog in 2018

The option of what you can do with Asana are pretty endless. You can create projects to fit just about any part of your life, and the different interface option allow you to customize it really nicely. it's also a great way to keep on top of personal! task and event as well - I have a separate project for non - business to - dos

Google Drive

Google Drive is another tool I use as a catch - all for additional blogging and business organization. Most importantly, this is where i write all my blog post before i send them to my blog for publish!, all of my post a similar format, so I have one template that I copy each time I start Writing a new post. In addition to the post, I also write up keywords I plan to use for my article, which category it will fall under on my blog and the publish date

I can also use the spreadsheet in google to keep track my blog state for traffic and social media and also plan my social media post for the week on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Linkedin. I try to plan and schedule these a couple of weeks out to make sure I'm always on top of it, and a spreadsheet is an easy way to see all of my upcoming social media posts

Quick Books

Quick Books is the tool I use to organize the financial aspect of my business. I switched to this tool at the beginning of my blogging and it made managing my business finance infinitely easier

Quick Books connect to my business bank account and my business Paypal account, so I am able to see all income and expenses in one place and categorize them appropriately. This will make things a heck of a lot easier when tax time rolls around!

Another Thing I love about Quick Books is it's connection to Turbo Tax. Since they are both Intuit products, they work in unison. QuickBooks tell me I owe Taxes when i have not paid them, then i will be able to pay with the reminder, I'll be able to pay those through Turbo Tax. And Next Year when its time to file my tax i do so again

Because of the numbers of things going on behind the scenes of my business and the number of different project I'm working on, It's Super important that i have a system for keeping everything organized.

These are tool I use to organize my blog post and business, comment on what tools you use to organize your blog post

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