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7 things you should do to every blog post

It's easy to think that only thing you need to write some blog posts
Sit down. Write some words. Press Publish
Rinse and Repeat
You can definitely tackle blogging that way but it won't get you very far.
Super bloggers understand that they need to do a number of things for each blog post to ensure it's success
I used to just write blog post whenever i had feeling to do so. I could knock 1500 Words less than 30 minutes and call it a day. Pressing publish felt like the biggest accomplishment in the world, but the problem was that my blog wasn't growing.

You could have 100 blog posts on your site and if none of them are reaching the people they are trying to reach then what good have you done?


you know the question if a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound? well, your blog certainly doesn't make any sound when visiting.
They aren't crazy things so don't sweat them but mos of them are pretty essential


Let's talk about things you should consider before you even think about writing your blog post.

1. Is it for them or is it for you?

Straight up you need to ask yourself this question every single time you want to write something. Too often, bloggers get caught up writing for themselves?

The reason why is because people don't come to your blog to hear about you. They come to your blog because they are looking for help with something. They are trying to figure out how to accomplish a goal and you talking about yourself for almost 20 paragraph probably isn't going to do it for them.

if you aren't writing for your audience, then your audience won't care about what you write.
2. Can you get enough substance out of it?

The length of your blog post can determine it's success for a number of reason:

1. Google prefer longer content. Research has shown that blog post that rank #1 for a given search query usually fall between the 1500 - 2500
word range
2. Most topics require a bit of depth to make sure you fully cover them. it can be hard not seeing what other thing you can cover in a post
or more, but there is always something more.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that a post is too long. if it's helpful, the people that need it, will read it.
If your post is going to be 400 words of filler then don't bother. Pick another topic and work with that

3. Does it fit your blog's narrative?

I am interested in a lot of different things. This is a big problem because it means that I want to write about a lot of different things.

You have to be careful of allowing you blog to go all over place if it isn't set up to be that way. Looking at your blog you know it's about turning you blog into business. I can't just start talking about traveling because I feel like it without doing some damage because it is not my way of blogging niche

Everything I've written so far targets a specific audience.

if your blog started off talking about 50 different things or you can narrow the list down and focus on certain topics that check off certain criteria:

  1. Is this topic that is going to help you make money?
  2. Is this the topic that gives you the opportunity to help most people
  3. Is this the topic you can see yourself writing about in the long term?
  4. Is this the topic the majority of your audience is interested in?

I'm not saying the topics you pick all have to check off these Items, but these are things you should be thinking about.

you can also read on: how to come up with new blog ideas


Okay, if your blog post idea has passed the test of the 3 question above then it's time to sit down and start writing.

The main thing you want to consider when writing the post is the user experience. What does this mean? You'll see with some of the points below.

4. Did you just up a wall of text

A majority of your readers will quickly scan when they arrive. It gives them a sense of what they are in for.

For this reason, it is important that you make sure your post is scannable.

What exactly does that mean to you?

  • Are your paragraphs gaint walls of text or are they broken up in a way that would make your English teacher cringe?
  • Does your post have images?
  • Does it have headings?
  • Does it have bullet points?
  • Does it have quotes?

These are all things that cause your reader to pause because they see a clear break in the content That makes it much easier for them to read

some bloggers get worried about writing long piece of content because they don't like to read them. However, most of the blog post that you read are for trivial things and the writing might be poor

5. Link to Past Blog Post and Vice versa

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very deep topic: Too deep for this blog post but one of the best thing that you can do for your SEO is to create, what I like to call, a link breadcrumb trail around your blog

Once you get a certain number of blog post you'll find that every time you write a new one there is going to be way to link to past post, beside being great for SEO this is also good for your audience because it help them find even more information related to topic without having to go anywhere

if you don't want to spend a lot of time going back through your archives then suggest setting up a spreadsheet that tracks all of your blog post. that way you can simply open it up look at a list of people that you've written in past long with their URLs. This make it easy to reference link to post that you've already wrriten.

6. Ask Question for your Audience to Answer

you don't get what you don't ask for.

sometimes you can write blog post that get people to write comment without even asking. However, it's usually a better practice to ask a question at the end of your post encourage discussion.

you can also read on:basic seo

To be honest with you I only do this when I'm Genuinely interested to hear other solutions to the topic that I'm writing about.

7. Proofread

This is what I suck at.

I can read 5X post and still miss some of the errors. You Might've encountered some already in this post. My sincerest apologies.

one thing that I've been able to do has helped me greatly in install Grammarly. It is both a desktop app and browser extension that does of picking up the most common grammatical error that people do.

SO with all this you will be able to write a good post without any difficulties

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